The Top 10 Most Desired Jobs of Generation Z

What are the Top 10 Dream Jobs of Generation Z?

Even though Gen Zers have had a strong reputation for being addicted to their smartphones, they’re not interested in working for social media companies or marketing agencies. They’d prefer to spend their time working at a local hospital. Most Gen-Zers prefer to work in medicine and health services. In a recent survey by NSHSS, we found out some very revealing information about the career choices of Generation Z.

Here are the top ten most desired positions as indicated by Generation Z

1.) Medicine and Health Services 31%

Generation Z Doctor - Experiential Marketing

2.) Sciences 21%

Sciences and Experiential Marketing and Generation Z

3.)Business 14%

Generation Z and Business

4.) Psychology 13%

Generation Z and Experiential Marketing

5.) Engineering 13%

Generation Z and Experiential Marketing

6.) Art/Drama/Music 12%

Experiential Marketing and Generation Z

7.) Education 8%

Teaching is popular among generation z and experiential marketing

8.) Technology / Computers 8%

Experiential Marketing and Generation Z


9.)  English / Journalism / communications 7%

Experiential Marketing and Generation Z Linguistics and Journalism

10.) Languages / Linguistics

Language for Generation Z through Experiential Marketing, Presenting BeCore and Experiential Marketing Agency based in Los Angeles and New York City

If you have questions about marketing to Generation Z or have some insights yourself feel free to contact BeCore today we’d love to chat.